Re: Fruit
I cannot eat any fruit, aside from squeezed lemon juice or tomatoes (which is kind of fruit/vegetable). That is it! If I venture onto fruit, my candida comes back and is almost as bad as if I ate plain sugar.
Yes, they contain goodness but so do plenty of vegetables and they do not have the risks attached as fruit has with yeast overgrowth. It is better to exclude fruit from your diet until you have gained more control of candida. Some people maybe further along or may not have such a heavy overgrowth and can get away with limited fruit, others do not!
E.g. I got away with a bit more at one point until I had
Antibiotics for a bad flu virus that caused an infection. Since then, my candida has gotten far worse and now my cheats cause a total relapse/severe illness and a LONGGGG road back. This means if I venture onto even natural cheats like fruit, potatoes, grain, milk etc...
I think the lesser of the evils maybe limited gluten free grain and maybe raw nuts and acidophilus yogurt..but I'd still be wary. The first stage of the diet is most important and you can always add things later as tolerated. That's what I'd go by. When you feel confident and have been strict enough for weeks or even months, you may want to try the fruits that are not so sweet like green apples, grapefruit, etc.
Just my opinion.