I can see you are taking things to extreme here. no one on this forum denys his right to sell the superfood etc,.. BUT to change the rules a lot does not say good of him. -- read southerne belle.Schulze has had a lot of good fortune. You do sound so judgemental tho to think that me/anyone would profit from his work.? I have given away recipes my self for many things and dont begrudge it at all.I could have kept them a secret but I did not.
I was happy with the previous rules - and so were a lot of people. I KNOW what is in the product but here in UK it is not possible to get the seperate ingredients at good priceS, if AT ALL. a LOT OF wholesalers will only deal with businesses not individuals. I certinaly would not profit from Schulzes work/products. I have been paying all along, but start price fixing now? that just tips the opinions.
We pay a lot of uneccessary taxes here but to put the price up AND change the rules as well?? come on? that is like telling you the next day in the supermarket that your bread has changed formula and put the price up and no chance of discounts AND being the only super market around.NOT MANY PEOPLE WOULD NOT ACEPT THAT.
IT is NOT about greed at all !! just sick poeple trying to make ends meet,( thru no fault of their own ) in endless bill rises, and now this? I would welcome being able to buy bulk in UK at good prices, but now these rules have changed... I just dont see him in the same light now.The nature of my problems is not like most peoples either. Dont judge me till you know the whole story.