Ropes are real, but rare.
Biser and
Dr. Schulze discuss this in the Save Your Life Collection.
Dr. Schulze says that it is rare.
I disagree on a certain level because we may be splitting hairs.
What if you're using something that "breaks" apart the rope?
What if you have only "pockets" rather than ropes in the "kinks" of the bowels?
Diverticulitis poses similar problems as well.
Until ~8 years ago I was always constipated and usually had abdominal pains when a BM was coming on. (Typical BM's for me was one every 2 to 3 days, they were hard and dry)
I got varicose vanes at 19 which I now believe was due to chronic straining from constipation.
About 8 years ago my chiropractor had me take a product called Alka Cleanse.
One bottle, you take a few caps the first couple of days then 10 twice a day until the bottle is used up.
On day 12 I was on the pot and was surprised at the "snake" I was depositing.
I remember thinking I should call the Guinness Book of World Records.
I mean "REALLY"!
Guess what?
Haven't been constipated since.
(for the detail oriented I'll be 54 this year)
I now have BM's 1 to 3 times a day, depending on what I eat.
(This can go up to 6 times a day if I go
Watermelon crazy)
Nuts are a bit constipating for me, but nothing major.
I now use the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) once or twice a month to keep "fresh".
The product did not work for my wife.
Which is as it should be.
People have constipation for "different" reasons.
One size does NOT fit all.
To Your Great Health,
Gracefully Savage
PS In the past 8 years I think I've mentioned this product a total of 3 times. I simply don't promote products.