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Re: Revisiting the "Mind's Eye, Eye of Horus, Third Eye" by V
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Published: 18 y
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Re: Revisiting the "Mind's Eye, Eye of Horus, Third Eye" by V

You wearing your magnetic head band yet to keep the metals from mingling with the fluoride in the pineal?


We can also see why the alternative health therapies work that involve things as simple as acupuncture, magnets, and minerals like zinc and selenium. Acupuncture uses needles made of the precious metals silver or gold typically. When these are inserted into the body around sites of inflammation and rotated or electrically driven, they give off metal ions into these local tissues. These metals interfere with the formation of the toxic Fluoride-metal compounds and form soluble complexes that remove fluorine from these tissues and the body. Similarly, the magnet therapies tend to collect the ferrous metals in the tissues, which don't form dangerous fluorine compounds and do form compounds that will enhance removal of fluorine from the tissues and body. Similarly, mineral supplements of zinc and selenium do the same. All these are very ancient methods that work, and even Egypt's Cleopatra used the magnet methods in her time.


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