Re: Tree tapping
I'm sorry that I cannot quote the source of this.
I was hanging out in a Hindu chatroom, and I learned about this ancient story from the ancient sacred texts about how someone murdered a diety, and another diety was so full of wrath and anger that he put all of his wrath in to the sap of the tree and cursed it. The legend goes that future generations would someday consume this sap and suffer for the curse of it.
Now, read the book, "Sugar Blues", and you'll see that "sugar" from sugar-cane, is basicly one form of very processed cane-sap, that has truly been a serious curse to human's history. It helped establish major, cruel slavery, in more modern times, enslave third-world countries, ruin our teeth, our bones, give a reason to fluoridate our water supply, and causes serious sluggishness, laziness, and illness even to this day. How many greater curses are there then to be partaking of this sweet meth?
But like anything refined, it's unrefined, natural-state is much safer, and even healthy. I love maple syrup & molasses, but I avoid refined sugar like the plague. I could not find any such stories about the curse of sap in the Vedic literature, but I've heard that, to this day, many Hindus refuse to consume maple syrup. How perverted the meaning of the original scriptures have become, as well as most all religious scrupture, Bible included! If anything, I would bet those old traditions were talking about white-sugar more than anything else, a substance which Hindus are not forbidden to partake of.