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Please help--can't get it all out!!!!
sdsuamico Views: 6,048
Published: 17 y

Please help--can't get it all out!!!!

18 months ago diagnosed with slight IBS, sluggish bowel....

Started feeling constipated two weeks scared.... up my fiber even more probably 50 grams a day.....always drink around 100 oz of water...would have small bm in morning but never felt emply....then would have to go later and nothing moved.....rectum was in so much pain... messed up my body two weeks ago by taking Miralax, Milk of Mag and then one nite Ducolax which dam near killed me.

I exercise a lot and always drink around 100 oz a day....Nutritionist says I'm overdoing the fiber.

This is what has been happening the last couple of days....wake up around 4:30 am to have BM...just a little come out....then have a cup of coffee and oatmeal (in the past this has always brought on great BM) however, now it feels like I will have huge bm but only a little comes out.....It's 10:00 Am and I've been up since 4:30 am  have had about  7 small BMs and still need to do more.....just drank down 2 oz of olive oil.....again, just a small bm.   This sounds gross,,,,,,,but I need to have a big hurts to sit.......any suggestions for immediate gratification and anything to take at nite so I have a good morning bm.  I've tried the flax seed and that worked for a while but just stopped????   When I have to resort to laxative I use Milk of Mag because that is not too harsh and seems to work.....but then sometimes by middle of day I feel all plugged up again.   I have done the Enzyematic Whole Body Clense and that worked great  for me.........getting ready to do another one, but then what about  after I come off of that??????   Have occasionally dealt with constipation, but nothing like this????    Sometimes I'm so uncomforable by the evening I can't sleep which makes the next morning almost unbearable.....does anyone ever get a paranoid feeling about the toilet when having this problem.  What about an enema at this point????

ANY suggestions for this misery would be appreciated.








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