--Funny Protein(NPN) and the Oil Company connection--
Hi Ya'll,
Maybe it is time to raise the stakes a little more to expose the Real Reason "WHY" there may be some Bashers and Complainers in the Debate forums who have Constantly tried to Claim I do not know what I am talking about, which the Free info I have been sharing has been helping so many people to Learn to Recover from their Sickness and Diseases, which have been bothering many people ?
And for those who may be new and not aware of what has been going on here on curezone, you may want to review these Testimonials of many people who have found that the Free info , which I have been sharing here on curezone "WORKS" as these Testimonials Testify too:
And "YOU" may also Learn to Solve "YOUR" Health problems, if you learn to take Personal Responsibility for your own choices and actions ?
Now to address the info about "WHY" the Oil companies may be involved in trying to keep a lid on this info !
During the world wars Nitrogen was Discovered to be able to be used to make Explosives !
So, as long as Nations fight wars and use Explosives, this is Good Business for the Oil Companies !
As Nitrogen is manufactured out of Oil products , like Natural Gas etc !
So as long as there are plenty of wars going on this provides for Great Profits for the Oil Companies !
Well after the Last Great World War, the Oil Companies had this Big Manufacturing ability to make Nitrogen for Explosives, which they did not want to shut down because it would take away from their Great profits !
So, guess what they found they could do with this Excess Nitrogen ?
The first thing they found was that they could sell this artifical Nitrogen to Farmers to grow crops with, but they did not tell the farmers that crops grown with too much nitrogen would lower it's Quality, thus Causing more Bug problems to attack the farmers crops !
But, the Oil companies had an answer for this problem they had just created, and the answer was to Sell Poisons made from Oil to "KILL" the Bugs and take some more Money from the Farmers !
So now the Oil companies had just figured out how to make more Money !
Sell Nitrogen to Cause crops to become Sick and Diseased, and then Sell Poisons to try to Kill the Bugs , which would attack these Sick and Diseased crops !
If this was not a Bad enough of a "RAPE" job on the Farmers and the Public, the oil companies then figured out that they could sell Nitrogen to Feed companies and Food manufactures to add to the Feed and Foods, because at this time the way that Protein was Determined was to test the amount of Nitrogen in the feed or Food and come up with the Protein content !
And as anyone knows, Feed and Foods which are Higher in Protein "SELL" for more "MONEY" !!!!!!!!!!
But, what the public was not told was that this use of Nitrogen in Feeds and the Food supply to "FALSELY" Boost the Protein content, would Cause Sickness and Disease to run Rampant among "ANYTHING" and "EVERYONE" who eats this "POISONED" Feed or Foods !
And this Recent problem of Nitrogen Laced Feeds and Foods from China has just brought this Great Problem to the fore front of the Publics attention, but the Educated Experts are still trying to keep a Lid on the Real Cause and Problem, so that the Oil Companies can still Profit from our Sickness and Diseases , which are a Direct Result of Foods , which are Grown with Excess Artifical Nitrogen, and Nitrogen used to Lace the Feed and Food supply in an effort to Sell these, Claiming these Feeds and Foods to be of Higher Protein contents than what they really are !
So, you may know that "ANYONE" who continues to Bash this info and try to Dis-Claim there is a problem with Funny Proteins(NPN) or Uncomplexed Proteins is either Totally ignornant of the Facts or may be working for the Oil companies to try to cover this Great problem up !!!!!!!!!
"YOUR" Personal Health and well-being is at stake with this info about Funny Proteins(NPN) or Uncomplexed Proteins !
What are "YOU" going to do about it ?
Are "YOU" going to continue to be Brainwashed and "RAPED" of "YOUR" Money and "Health" by these Profiteers of "FALSE" info ?
Choose Life or Death this Day !
Smile Tis your choice.