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Re: bread substitutes?
eyeball or two Views: 8,764
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Re: bread substitutes?

no_biz just friendly news?

hello, I don't know if this is too far outside your food category in terms of exactness but it satisfies as such sometimes. Certain squashes soaked or moistened until fleash and skin are edibly flexible has texture of bread often for me, especially kabocha. You can try coconut juice covering it until bolder with stuffings.... as that's so easily considered when the center scoop is first taken out for immediate satisfaction.

When wishing filling of the hollow, I've liked tomatoes, cucumbers or apples with an open spot at least each. Those are standard grabs because of teir predictable softening.

Contuing those ideas, You can try mango if peelable by index finger and thumb as much as knife type of thing. Bananas are interesting after brown areas are showing succulence to use, otherwise too frothy tart. Cranberries have even added nice flavor and creaminess. Suggestions are not absolute as I keep trying!

Spaghetti squash with onions laid on sections that can't be spooned out without scrape, overnight it will be firm fluff!

My favorite for what you're seeking to taste is kabocha however with skins picked up in slices from soakings and eaten as with a crust or heel of a loaf... butternut sometimes gives that without slippery soup too much. I forgot my last succesful stuffing of that as I keep rotating for variety by request or turning to new groceries frequently. The point is attempt many things till you feel the groove of what can change them for you, even zuchinni doesn't have to be hard in cylindrical halves -- which can resemble a piece of

Cucumbers and tomatoes are more brought up for that mentioned try with a little wild rice that realy becomes completely chewy.

Avocado that needs help of a few days ordinarily is an excellent thing to put in the lighter larger squashes' cores for approximately 24 hours. It's buttery already a bit lol.

Corn on the cob marinated is lovely, can have thick sauces seeping to it...

Regarding grain, I have recently been using once again rye for rejuvelac which is the liquid as the focus of energy effects. You drain it for drink several times a batch, and depending on the source for the beverage the surface can get quite al dente once in awhile. For instance coconut juice produces that richness at the top, but it's a thin line for nibbling if chosen.

Perrier water livens a kernel or two up. I've had it as back up when wanted to start wild rice or rye and didn't have grapefruit or anything greatly. but still could take two days or refill for the latter.

Don't mean to overwhelm you as I could lean an item into orange too when passing on beginning mushiness.

Oh, how funny that word looks like mushrooms mispelled as shitake dried in colander are like little crackers (and the earthiness is not with fresh intensity that have been warned against as straight raw might have skin rashes associated with them). I do all mine in that form now, just for the burst of crunch on a button or portobello saved for avocados etcetera. [Iguess I'm lazy with simply strainer instead of sunlight as you highlight, but as typos could be improved > ha-ha]

I'll stop talking and let you have at it,


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