Okay? Ideal!
This 5 g.
Sugar is added due to the presence of tomatoes so as to cut out the acidity..... Yes tomatoes are acid and a No No! on the diet.
Tin food is to be avoided altogether (as much as possible) frozen is better. Aluminum tin are a cause of heavy metal contamination (then again so is non-organic food if you do not clean it enough to get rid of the pesticides) There is no fatalism here, just the awareness that makes us do the right choices. Frozen over tin and organic over pesticides.
Soups are FANTASTIC, especially broth = minerals on the easiest form possible for assimilation. I use chiken broth and cook green leafy vegggies along with garlic and or ginger and a dask of salt. I overcook it, over 25 minutes, then I get rid of the veggies and just eat the broth.
Sometimes I do not overcook it and add lentils and onions to the mix. Yummy
Beware! some okay veggies, like carrots, are TOO sweet when cooked.
Mineral deficiency is the right way to set your metabolism on detox mode. As long as it is deficienct, your metabolism is inoperative,due to lack of essential nutrients, and therefore it does not manage to get rid of toxins (which make your body acid and allow candida to proliferate out of proportion.
Here is Michelles Lentils soup recipe: