18 y
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just an update: day 5 on Humaworm herbs
Nothing too dramatic to report but I did expel another 5cm of tapeworm this morning. It looked the same as the other bit I photographed - like flat, white plumber's tape, frayed & tattered.
I wonder if it's the same worm.
Also I've seen a couple more flukes and a 5cm white thready worm (actually a few of them). Very much like a piece of white cotton thread (threadworms...doh??)
The other thing is that the skin on my face and scalp is sometimes MADLY itchy, and the 'wriggling' sensation under my skin, especially on my feet is very noticeable.
At work today I thought there must be a spider (or cockroach...) in my shoe because the movement was so strong!
One more thing: my face has been so itchy that I looked in the mirror expectedly and noticed a few white strands (escapee worms?) protruding straight out of my skin about 1-2mm only.
Very odd.
They were not there before.
And lastly, for the last 3 days I've been a bit moody, depressed and irritable. My face has also been inflamed and red. Lots of different foods, usually eaten without a problem, have led to this inflammation.
I'm thinking histamines from die-off..
Does anyone know?
Does anyone know what the white strands are?? They are very soft, not like the Morgellons descriptions.