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Published: 18 y
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Yeah, your dad is right, Uny. I remember the 1960's and I've seen the changes also. There's no more values like honor and pride in doing your job right (certainly not in politics). The gov't. is happy that everyone is concentrating on the latest ringtone, fashion, etc. instead of the serious things that are changing. Just today the CIA released it's nastiest secrets of the last 40 years (to give us phony hope while Bush and Cheney start wars and steal our money).

Try and pay this off.

Of course it's much better to only owe 59 trillion, that could be paid within 200 years if there's no interest, but this site says 65 (I don't know the date, does it matter?).

It's no longer government OF, FOR and BY the people, it's GLOBALIZATION that the government cares about.



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