Alprazolam is a benzodiazepine - PLEASE be careful!! +EDIT Re: 80-year-old Dad's EMPHYSEMA progress
Your post/dad is FANTASTIC! I am so thrilled for him (and you!).
Having just been through a very brutal, soul-shattering experience with my own mother, I would be amiss if I didn't point out (in case you don't already know it), the following....
>>>>*His prescription of ALPRAZOLAM (a tranquilizer) is supposed to help him sleep (which it does) and was prescribed because all the other drugs help keep one FROM precious sleep. It's in pill form, and he still only needs 0.5mg a day, which also amazes the doc and pharmacist as they generally see a need for this increase over time!<<<<
Alprazolam IS a tranquilizer, but not just ANY tranquilizer - it is a HIGHLY addictive benzodiazepine, and for some people, coming off of it incorrectly can SHATTER their lives (sometimes even permanently). The very MINIMUM for cutting dosage safely (to prevent the possibility of benzodiazepine Post Withdrawal Syndrome) is 1/10th of the dosage, every 2-3 weeks. And that's not "cut the dosage into 10 pieces, and take away 1/10th a week" (leaving the last dosage a full 50% cut!), that's decrease the dosage by 1/10 of the CURRENT dosage, every 2-3 weeks (some people have had to take YEARS to withdraw). Others can stop taking it and see virtually no side-effects at all. So PLEASE read-up (extensively) on benzodiazepine withdrawal before cutting the dose very you'll know what to expect and what to do about it. Also, alprazolam/Xanax contains bromine (or fluoride), as well as the inhaler.
MANY of the side-effects are physical and don't seem in ANY way related to drug withdrawal - various harsh tingles, pains, twitches, jolts in various muscle groups; ear ringing, digestive disturbances, increased urination, incredible levels of anxiety, insomnia, lack of emotion, extreme sensitivity to sound/light, depersonalization/realization....the list is endless. This physical addiction can occur in less than 8 weeks of taking a benzodiazepine.
Here's a list of links you can check out whenever you have the time. The first one is a petition to the pharmaceutical companies, begging them for full disclosure and reporting what they/their family members have been through getting off this class of drugs (undoubtedly, your precious father was NOT told how addictive or what level of hell he might experience when withdrawing). Please be sure to read through a couple of pages of the signatures - it's the best way I've found to show people just how serious this issue really is. I've pasted the body of the petition and a couple of pages below my sign off.
Also, be cautious/aware about the
Iodine and the way it dislodges (possibly 'deactivates'?) the bromine/fluoride...I had my mom on
Lugol's (never more than 4 drops daily), but that was AFTER she'd already been off the benzo for several months. I'd hate to think someone could be thrown into this soul-wrenching withdrawal syndrome that wasn't even trying to withdraw from benzos.
My mom has been off these drugs since last October; I am now living with the very real nightmare of seeing my mother daily...the body of a woman who looks the same; her soul and spirit (and most of her mind and emotions) have been brutally altered and destroyed. Yes, I know what she can do to heal herself...but simply getting her to bathe and dress daily still causes her horrendous amounts of anxiety (and I'm not talking typical anxiety, I'm talking scratch yourself till you're almost bloody, pull out your hair, feel like you're having a severe panic attack virtually 24 hours a day). While this level of anxiety is gradually subsiding, her belief in her own abilities to function have been destroyed. PLEASE (please) don't let this happen to your precious father!
Here's a bunch of links:
THE BENZO BOOK--getting safely off benzodiazepine tranquilizers and sleeping pills
the-benzo-book10.pdf (application/pdf Object) : Benzodiazepine Dependency and Withdrawal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) file : Website lifeline for victims worldwide, Scunthorpe Telegraph, November 23, 2002 : Benzodiazepine Withdrawal: An Unfinished Story, Prof CH Ashton, DM, FRCP, 1984
TRANX Tranquiliser Recovery and New Existence
The Benzo Group Support Site : People's Stories
And lastly, the absolute finest/best program I have found using nutriceuticals to assist people in coming off ANY psychotropic poison...especially benzos!
The Road Back. How to withdrawal off psychotropic medication. Lexapro spotlight.
EDIT: I just reread your above statement, and want to point out. .5mg of Alprazolam/Xanax is equal to TEN mgs of Valium (also a benzodiazepine). Of all the drugs your father is taking that affects sleep adversely, Xanax has the greatest potential for negative impact. Because of it's short half-line (4-8 hours), one can EASILY be in withdrawal after it wears off (physical addiction to ANY benzo can occur within weeks!). One *thinks* it can't possibly be the Xanax because it's FOR sleep, but the most brutal withdrawal symptom is not being able to sleep -even while still taking the originally prescribed dose-. If he's unable to catch a nap at all, and can only sleep after taking the Xanax, it might be time to seriously check out all the rest of the information below. Also note: probabably only 1 in 10,000 US physicians have any idea of this issue. The UK, Canada and Australia medical systems have been addressing this for decades...but US physicians are woefully ignorant of this whole thing.
If there's ANYTHING I can do to provide more information to possibly prevent your father from being negatively impacted by his Xanax use, PLEASE feel free to email me anytime. Like I said, it's only a percentage of people that are thrown into the Post Withdrawal Syndrome, but a high percentage of that percentage are the PLEASE be really careful (and keep an eye on his symptoms - like I can tell you already are - ) Xanax has the shortest 'half life' of all the benzos, and one can easily start experiencing symptoms of withdrawal while still taking them. The gentleman that wrote The Benzo Book took his Xanax at night for sleeping...but it wears off so quickly, one can go into withdrawal before the next dose. So be sure to check out the lists of withdrawal symptoms and make sure he's not experiencing any of those (they can EASILY be mistaken for other things...because they do cause heart palps and shallow breathing).
To: Benzodiazepine Manufacturers, Prescribing Physicians, F.D.A. and W.H.O
We the individuals listed below, have electronically signed this petition for the purpose of making it known that taking benzodiazepines, as prescribed by our doctors, resulted for us in severe unwarranted addiction, chronic misdiagnosed illness, profound emotional anguish and an overall inability to function normally for lengthy periods of time during attempted withdrawal phases.
We all know that taking prescription drugs include taking some risks and that with each some percentage of patients are likely to experience adverse results. We feel strongly however, that the risks involved with the taking of benzodiazepine drugs is much greater than the medical community and our governments realize. Much greater certainly than we were ever told. They are extremely addictive. The degree of suffering caused by benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome is enormous compared to that of other prescription and even non-prescription drug withdrawals. We also feel that the percentage of patients adversely effected by the benzodiazepine drugs is much greater than our doctors, our governments and maybe even the manufacturers of these drugs such as Roche, Wyeth and Upjohn realize.
We hope that this petition will help prove to our doctors, our governments and also to the drug companies responsible for manufacturing them that benzodiazepine addiction is not a small problem that effects only a handful of people, as they would have us believe. This is a global problem of epidemic proportions. It needs to be addressed immediately. But first, it needs to be acknowledged.
Unlike voluntary addiction to street drugs such as cocaine and heroine there is at this time no treatment protocol and no antidote for this unique iatrogenic,(Dr. induced)addiction. The withdrawal symptoms are severe and debilitating. The time frame for recovery is longer in duration than that required for any of the above mentioned illegal drugs or for any other drugs we know of.
The profits generated from these benzodiazepines not only for Roche and other manufacturers but for the Dr.'s who prescribe them and for the pharmacies who sell them staggers the imagination. It is certainly to their mutual advantage to deny the truth about the extent of benzodiazepine addiction and related illness and to suggest that it is the patients, not the drugs that are the problem. This petition intends to prove them wrong.
Our lives have been unexpectedly, undeservingly and negatively impacted by a benzodiazepine drug. We are united in spirit by the desire for the truth to be known and for others to be spared the suffering we have experienced first hand.
The Undersigned
1848. Verna Gowigati This medicine ruined my life
1847. LaVetta Pace Simply Unacceptable! This toxin could have ruined me forever.
1846. Jack Hobson-Dupont Author of "The Benzo Book"
1845. Doug MacClure Please put a stop to the ignorance of the psychiatric professionals.
1844. Selena I have tried cold turkey once....and I'm going to do it again...wish me luck. Been on Clonazepam and Aropax for 10 years. I feel so alone in this. I am in Auckland. N.Z any help would be greatly appreciated. :)
1843. Sharon Lynn Benzo-free two years, still having fatigue, cognitive impairment, sleep disturbance and more. Have lost 5 years of my life to this iatrogenic illness.
1842. Gary S. Hart It is time to hold the pharmaceutical companies and doctors accountable for taking the easy way out at the expense of their patients.
1841. Scott Laux
1840. Kerry DeAlmeida
1839. G J Piscioneri Innovative medication should be about good health not profits. I ask the FDA and similar bodies in other countries to take a long hard look at the damage some medications especially benzodiazapines are doing to society because of the lack of control over their prescription.
1838. Mariella Xuereb
1837. LANNE chantal
1836. Jennifer Robinson Please contact me if you would like to contact the British petition which is to presented to the Prime Minister
1835. Steve Wayland 36 months off cannot function in society on any normal level
1834. Steve Wayland 36 months off cannot function in society on any normal level
1833. Leon Hanson
1832. Solliec Corinne
1831. Katherine I posted earlier but to reliterate I think something very serious has to be done about the flippant and irresponsible way this drug is dished out.I am only 45 but I feel like a zombie most of the time,very dizzy tired and hate the sunlight.
1830. Katherine I was percribed valium by my Gp but now am left to deal with the crippling side effects.Its time the medical profeesion made people like myself more awre of the long term implications of this drug and the misery encoutered when trying to withdraw.Much stricter guidelines should be made when thhis drug is perscribed and more pubic information made avaiable.
1829. Marshall I was on Klonopin for a total of 4 weeks when I noticed I was becoming physically dependent. At 8 weeks I wanted off. I was told by my psychiatrist that I could stop cold turkey, that I might be "jittery for a couple days", that the drug would be "out of my system" in 3 days. Let me tell you the withdrawals were no picnic even after relatively short term use. I’m lucky I had the sense to get off early and not go through what so many others are suffering through. This is an outrage.
1828. Michael John..
1827. luke How about the countless individuals who have found anxyolitic benefit from benzodiazepine use? How about the person who can't get to therapy in the morning without their Klonopin? How about them? Not everyone is going to abuse a benzo when given it. There is a monumental difference between use and abuse. Heather Ashton needs to shut her blabbering up, because nobody wants to hear her, especially the countless deprived Britons who suffer from anxiety, but have yet to receive adequate treatment due to her utterly irrational provocations.
1825. Paul Tremant Stop these evil pills, stop evil people making money at the cost of peoples lives
1824. Diego Consolini
1823. Carol Harbacek Time to help us stop suffering
1822. Peter Hildering
1821. joseph mihalek i dont think i will make it
1820. Lyn Petersdorf benzo's should be banned except for tapering off valium
1819. Edmond Joyce I have been through three years of hell trying to get off this poison.
1818. weldon douglas Tolerance withdrawal after 25 years of dalmane use. Unable to go out in the sunlight due to dizziness/disorientation.
1817. Lauren Brooks
1816. Keith Williams I'm having trouble doing my job, my personal life is falling apart, most days all I can do is lay on the couch. If I get through the next few years of not being able to function, my life will be a shambles. I'm pushing 60, it will be too late to start over.
1815. Rita Avery
1814. Kjell Ostbo
1813. Melissa
1812. karen lowles
1811. José Henriques
1810. Paul Jackson Many doctors don't know what they are doing to people when they prescribe these meds long term. They know even less about how to get people off benzodiazpines. Peple need to be made aware of how addicitive and debilitating these drugs are, or they need to be taken off the market period.
1809. joan flannery
1808. Eva Kolcze
1807. De MARINIS Suicide de mon fils sous benzo
1806. Steve Thomas I forgive those responsible and pray for a brighter future
1805. peter davies i have been living in hell after goning to a rehab to detox from diazepam, im 7 months off and still feel like im dieing
1804. zachary dominguez
1803. Liz McCarthy Silly me for trusting the Dr. who kept me on 8 mgs of klonopin a day for 16 yrs and then had the audacity to say that the resulting addiction was my fault.
1802. Vincent Cline Need to have 14 day warning label or dependency may occur.
1801. Kalynn Campbell I am almost my second year since quiting prescribed benzodiazepines and still have not fully gained my life back, the residual pain and burning is constant. I wish this drug had never been given to me, it has ruined the last 4 years of my life and the nightmare is ongoing. It has cost me my career, family and friends. I can not impress upon you enough the damage these pills are doing to people.
1800. Cynthia Ann Votto
1799. Trevor Rands
1798. audrey wallis An awful nightmare that could be avoided for some though it is to late, the road they have travelled has become unbearable, for the survivors, well done and may your journey to better health continue, I wish that was for me.
1797. Jerry still in withdrawals
1796. sjl great at first now years later I sometimes pray to die I cant get off them.
1795. Dave Berghorn
1794. Mary Berghorn
1793. goulancourt sebastien
1792. Howard Trott
1791. Lea Galusha
1790. Sheila Maloney
1789. Bernie Please please please stop dishing these out like sweets......
1788. Nicola Scoones
1787. Dave Had All benzodiapepines are horrible dugs and prescribed by doctors who should not be prescribing this poison. Ban all benzodiazapines!
1786. Dave Allen
1785. David Head
1784. Diane Laporte I have been on Klonopin 2mg. for l5 years (prescribed by a doctor) I stoped 6 years ago with the assistance of another doctor. I still have withdrawal symptoms.
1783. Joni Howard
1782. Jerome D Ford
1781. Andrew Hill Physicians and the public need to understand how Benzos effect people. To many people have lost to much to benzos. Personally I feel physicans need to be responsable for prescribing this medication. Also drug companies need to be responsable for this horrible drug.
1780. Sigrid Macdonald
1779. MESSEMAEKERS c'est comme donner un calmant à un alcoolique
1778. Piers Hausjell
1777. DJ0 It took 4 1/2 years of cold-turkey until I was convinced it was in my best interest to never ingest another klonopin tablet again. The withdrawal and recovery can take over 6 years to which my friend Hilliary can attest. This 'medicine' is actually poison; it will kill you and your spirit slowly and silently as your doctor shrugs his shoulders.
1776. Kill Klonopin Klonopin is a terrible drug. It is taking my wifes life away from both of us and when she tried to get off of them it tore both of us apart mentaly and physicaly.
1775. Andrea Canavan Klonopin has permanently changed the course of my life. My brain has never been the same -- and unfortunately, I can't trade it in for a new one. My last attempt at withdrawal resulted in suicidal
Depression and related hospitalization.
1774. Kristi Lyn Lovering I was prescribed 1.5 mg of Klonopin a day for 3 years. Isn't Klonopin supposed to be for short-term use? It turned me into a zombie and ruined my life. No love, Kristi :/
1773. Anthony Harpin
1772. Luke Chadwick I totally agree with all heathers findings they are bang on.
1771. MD DOZ
1770. Monica Kresse Klonopin ruined my life, Doctors are uninformed or play stupid/naive to this problem.
1769. Jo-Anne Finney We had an arrogant G.P. who when quizzed about his over prescribing to my husband ,said"he'd rather prescribe diazepam than let him get drugs off the street".this had been going on for 4 yrs.Since then 2yrs has passed we are now divorced and he is still prescibing them knowing he's an alcoholic and severely depressed.He has alot to answer to.
1768. Segalit K. Siegel
1766. Karen Fowler
1765. Pat Johnson Hell to stop taking these awful tablets. The Doctors who perscribe them should try them out for them selves
1764. Lynne Petersdorf suffering effects of withdrawal after only 5 months on them
1763. Jeannie LaFlleur great job
1762. Darin
1761. Imbert AAAVAM
1760. Schmitt
1759. penichon
1758. germain barbara
1757. Michaël
1756. REHAB Mehdi
1755. MONLUC Monique
1754. becquet
1753. jeannie linskey today is day 6 oh my god i feel like i am going to die, my son is now staying with me i should have never gone cold turkey but i would rather die then put a benzo in my mouth. im drinking alot of waTER,GATORADE,HEALTHY FOODS S and vits when will this pass i thank god for only being on adivan 1yr. 1mg 3x a day ive read these horror stories hang in there i too am hANGING ON WITH THE HELP OF THE LORD AND EDUCATION GOD BLESS ALL US SUFFERS
1752. jean linskey i had 15 yrs sober and my dr, knew i was a addict and put me adivan oh my god this kick is worst than herion thank you for this site im only on day 5 at home detox i feel like i am going to die drs need to get a grip
1751. michelle douglas thankyou Ray
1750. Jackie Markovic
1749. Kurt Jackson I only took 5 pills (0.4mg each) over 2 months and suffered terribly after trying to stop after the last pill. I had headaches, muscel spasms, crazy thoughts, irregular heartbeats, and pain in my mouth for weeks. Ban Benzodiazepine now!!!
1748. Katherine Naughton I watched helplessely as my husband dropped 40 lbs in 3 months, make some seriously potential devasting financial decisions, lose ability to reason, not be able to function in everyday life from Xanax use. He is off the medication now, we slowly weened him off at home, but the withdrawals 2 months later are still debilitating, and his mental state is not stable. I am not a direct victim of Benzo use, but I know what it does to those who are on it, and are coming off of it. My husband nor myself can figure out why on earth would this drug, and it's family need exist. The side effects are worse then the initial problem. The initial problems do come back and sometimes worse when drug is stopped. It serves no beneficial purpose.
1747. audwin p. gray benzos ruined my life, left me with nothing and the big question(now what)
1746. Peter Maltby Benzos should be banned. They have taken over 10 years of my life. Withdrawl is horrible.
1745. Ben L
1744. Stacey Stone
1743. Jean DeAngelis These drugs destroyed 22 years of my life
1742. chrissie benzos are soul destroying .i cant remember the last 9years they should be banned.
1741. Jason Watson For gods sake PLEASE reclassify this a class 2 Controlled substance like Oxycontin at a MINIMUM. These are the worst HELL ten times harder to kick than opiates even! If you havent taken one yet, DONT! The panic/anxiey will pass. Trust me, there are better options no matter what BS the doctors and Pharm companies say. I wish to god I had never touched a single one of these Benzos!
1740. Jason Waggoner This is the worst living hell I've ever lived getting off Klonopin
1739. p. wilson from the Very First Prescription [which was prescribed following a very severe physical injury],I have continued to query this medicine. WHY THEN did this result in 25years plus of Misery and Continual Arrogant Abuse and Dismissal from my [then]respected,trusted and even feared -doctors/consultants???
1738. Hilary McCamley
1737. Tiffany Hall I quit Lorazapam 3 months ago and I am suffering tremendously and now my 4 children dont have a mom to take care of them. This is my worst nightmare come true.
1736. sammi jo lewis
1735. Linda Brocklesby yes, my life has been profoundly affected by taking valium and cyclobenzzaprine as prescribed by a doctor,, and I continue to suffer, now that I have been to a Rehab. and now am off the drugs, I continue to suffer the horrible protracted withdrawl symptoms of which the list is huge
1734. paul g. flynn devastated by this drug withdrawal etc..!!!!I I DETOXED 4 TIMES IN 8MONTHS, welcome to hell when you stop. on 2nd work leave due to horrible (understatement)withdrawals, worse then street dope!!!
1732. mike blosser
1731. jeff williams I was not told that mithdrawal symptoms were horrible. I spent six days wandering around in agony, and then while on my knees in a crowd of people was taken by ambulance to e.r., then diagnosed as anxiety attack placed on six milligrams of klonipin for eight months until I finally drove 230 miles to Veterans Administraton who promptly said I would suffer if I did not take four months to wean off. For me it was more horrible than the eight years I was homeless. Life is better now. It has been six months since last minor dose. I would not take a benzodiazepine under any circumstance. No matter the degree of mental or emotional pain. I would not take one pill if was offered a million dollars.
1730. Rene Doctors need to stop handing out his poison like candy, they are ignorant to the effects of WD when coming off benzos. Benzos , long term, will inevitibly make you sicker than you were before you started taking them, The only way to get off them is with a slow taper, these drugs should never be cold turkeyed,
1729. Bryan Smith Much more in depth info needs to be provided by doctors to patients who are prescribed these drugs. I was told virtually nothing and seriously thought I had lost my mind and would have to live out the rest of my days stark raving mad until I cam eupon the information that it was just drug addiction. Since then, I have been able to ween off of them slowly and am within weeks of being rid of them. I just wish one of the THREE doctors that continued to prescribe these drugs would have told me what the effects are. I thought I needed them to keep me sane when, in fact, they were what was keeping me INSANE.
1728. Rebecca Christie Ativan caused me serious pseudo dementia, and addiction within weeks of regular daily use
1727. Scott Jarvis Free at last, after a protracted withdrawal hell beyond description! Benzos will make you their prisoner. Then they will erase your mind, personality, relationships, hope, and ultimately your life. I advise all who are considering psychoactive meds to do their own research before sliding down this slippery slope. Your doctors, while well-intentioned, have inadequate and utterly biased information.
1726. Scott Stephen Jarvis
1725. Julio Be FREE!!
1724. Catherine These are the worst evil drugs that ever existed. They should all be flushed down the toilet. Do not ever take them, they will ruin your life.
1723. Rudolf "Hey,nice site look this:
1722. Michael Allen I was told it was not addictive
1721. frances anastasi who prescribes them should be hanged.
1720. John Cooper for the ignored victims who are still struggling after 30 years
1719. Angela Morris
1718. Joshua James First I would like to comment to Benzo Lover 1678. You have no idea what you are dealing with. This will come and turn on you in a heart beat. I would rather be without a job, girlfriend ect. Then be addicted to these valiums. I was on 15mg a day and have taken away 5mg for the past year or so. They have made a disaster of my life. One of the most addictive drugs around. Try not taking them for a few days.
1717. Jennifer Stone I was put on Benzos by my gp because I blacked out in 1988 when I was going through divorce I cold turkeyed off them in2001.They have ruined my life and the lives off my son and daughter because I signed away my home to a violent man I met who could control me because of the benzos I popped.They cost me dearly and no one would answer for it. Its about time someone realizes in the system what damage benzos do and the lives which they have ruined
1716. joanne board
1715. Ron Myers This is a classic example of Bible prophecy being fulfilled -
1714. Verna
1713. Michael J. Coppinger For over twenty years of my life I struggled with severe benzo dependence. This nightmare addiction needs to receive more attention from the global medical community, and warnings from the manufacturers of such drugs. The withdrawal process needs to be indentified as a workable syndrome. Thank-you, M.J.C
1712. darlene armstrong this is my 4th detox this drug sucks I cant sleep!!!
1711. Daniel Gravelle Taking Benzo(for an operation) was the worst decision of my life. Its been 13 month off from an 11 years addiction; worst year of my life. You never know what the next dibilatating symptom hides around the next corner. Cocaine is a walk in the park compared to benzo addiction.
1710. Jenny I am working with Barry Haslem and recently went to the all party involuntary tranquilliser addiction launch Please contact me so that I cantake your message to Members of Parliament
1709. Michael By the way, are you paid by the pharmaceutical companies? The ones who want us all on new SSRIs and antipsycotics?
1708. michael Your site is dangerous. Because of my reluctance to take these drugs, I have been on almost all the SSRIs, valproic acid, HDAD drugs and spent a fortune on therapy. The side efficts of these medications were horrible. Yet, the one class of drugs that helped, immensly, I would not take. You are very irresponsible.
1707. Mark Walker
1706. Leslie Payne Duren
1705. Janine Romo Take them off the market!
1704. Jason Wald
1703. Allen Balek 3 year addict trying to taper
1702. Stephen Kendrick used librium for over 41 years. off 3 years - still suffering
1701. Ken O I'm in the process of tapering off the horrible drug. The addiction has caused me aweful sideaffects with my body want more and now the withdrawals have caused more anxiety and depression.
1700. Michele H. Ativan nearly took my life. I'm now on a taper down program with a wonderful new doctor to get off this horrible medication. My old doctor prescribed it with no explaination and then abandoned me when I tried to get off myself and experienced severe withdrawals. The medical community needs to be aware of what these drugs can do.
1699. Justine Barrette I wish I knew more about the drug before. I had to go through a detox program to even start the painful road and to rid this drug from my system
1698. Erin Humphrey I have been through hell due to benzo withdrawal. I am signing this petition to prevent someone else from needless suffering.