--answer--Blood test and smell like metal
Hi Lhasa,
So, what you are trying to say is that your Blood Tastes(Test) like and smells like Metal(Iron) ?
Maybe if a person was used to eating Iron, one may say this, but I do not know of many people who chew on Iron every day ?
But, some people may drink water, which has Iron Hydrogen sulfate in it and then this person may refer to this smell and taste as you are mentioning of your Blood ?
For the Blood has hemoglobin(Iron) in it and if a person had too much Sulfates in their body, this may Cause them to become too Acidic and may Cause a person to believe their Blood has this smell and or Taste ?
For anyone with Psorasis would be way too Acidic from some kind of Acids , which could be of the sulfate family of Acids !
But, the Hydrogen Sulfide smell is generally that of Rotten eggs smell ?
And this person would be very short of needed Calciums in their body !
Smile Tis your choice.