Re: Marriage: a contract between unequal partners.
Lol. No I don't hate you, nor am I offended, or otherwise senstive about what you say. What I ask is how would you like to work together to solve these very valid issues. I concur with you that we are hoodwinked, lied to, undermined, and morally demeaned in America today. So I don't think gays and gay marriage are the most important issue. In fact, I suspect that the more we can offer others' stability the more we all see we are not so different: that we are all on the same side vs. the same enemy.
Look, the problems that face the average gay person are only slightly different than the problems that face the average family. We all face the same laws against health, against independence, against self-sovereignty. So all I ask is how we, in your clearly educated opinion, can work together against our common enemy. You, as my neighbor, are the last I would want to scapegoat.
But perhaps you are compelled to ignore our common interests? Over a single title on a message board? You think that if I think marriage is not an absolute, or without faults, that I am utterly enemy?
I am very familiar with your beliefs about male and female relations. I too read . I agree with much of it. Nevertheless, we are all strenghtened by focusing on the real problems, the real and common enemies.
But where to begin. The media is decadent, politics are corrupt, and the economy is rigged. Frankly I understand why people form communities where ever they can. The hallmark of middle class is that it is a cohesive unit, a group that shares values of family and community. Sure, maybe a gay person would not be elected mayor of a "properly middle-class" town, but nor would a gay writer or singer be kept from the stage. Throwing away possible allies is terribly wasteful, even for a conservative community.