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Potassium deficiencies--DANGER! fruits needed...
ButtercupLuV Views: 2,136
Published: 17 y

Potassium deficiencies--DANGER! fruits needed...

I just wanted to let everyone know what I found out. I finished 8 days of Water Fasting and found myself in a frenzy (this was two days ago). I found out that my body was depleted of its needed potassium levels. This happens to some people who fast, and it turns out I'm one of them. I had a similar experience earlier in the year when I did a 12 day water fast. I didn't consult medical professionals at that time, so I just thought it was all because I didn't drink enough water.

POTASSIUM IS VITAL FOR YOUR HEART. That is one reason a person can get in to trouble fast if they are low on it. Here are some major symptoms:

1. Leg cramps

2. Irregular heart beat (too fast or too slow)

3. Irritability

I had all of these symptoms, and sure enough! I ate a little yesterday and today trying to build up my body. Tomorrow I will begin a juice fast. I AM SOOO GLAD I LISTENED TO MY BODY and stopped fasting when it told me to do so. I feel a great sense of accomplishment for what I did, and am looking forward to completing a fast that is more appropriate for my body's needs.

Fruits with good levels of potassium:

oranges, pineapple, citrus fruits (i.e. orange, lemon, grapefruit, etc.), black grapes, raspberries, strawberries....


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