Re: Iodine - MSG
I am sorry.
I never went to that point.
I do know that I was helped by all kinds of things I did all at the same time.
One of them was NAET. It really helped with the allergies, but they came back after a while. "After a while' gave me a welcome break during which things seem to turn around. I had enough energy to find some solutions.
I would strongly recommend that you learn how to use a pendulum. This is very easy and a life saver. Once I could test everything I ate, I discovered sources of
Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) in what I was eating and thought safe. From that day I started to feel better because I stopped poisoning myself.
Then I started doing
Liver Flushes every 20 days. After the 15th
Liver Flush all my allergies were gone.
MSG still makes me very sick. I rarely ingest some nowadays because I test absolutely everything that comes in my house and throw away the rest.
I have noticed that a lot of vegetables, even organic ones, get sprayed at some point with a chemical to keep them fresh that contains MSG. This can be removed! I wash them three times in HOT water and they are OK.
Cold water doesn't work on this, because that chemical is sticky, containing gum.
Testing does not only remove
Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) from your diet, it allows you to feel safe when you eat. It changes you from a victim hounded by chemical into a master seeing through the delusions. Very important for your morale!
All my best wishes for your health. I am sure you will get out of this. I shall keep a corner of my heart to pray for you.