Re: Re-post about "Lugonut Oil" and eye detox
Thanks, Hanna. My great frustration with this forum is that it goes so quickly and I always feel like I am missing out!
This sore is exactly in the middle of my eyelid where the eye meets the lid. I did look at the Chinese Face Map ( but there was really nothing corresponding to the eyelid itself.
I do remember your having the sealed-shut eyes a while ago! Hope that is better.
I am also having some right-ear drainage/activity. I used oil and
Lugol's on Q-tips a few weeks ago and that made all the skin on my inner ears come out and God knows what else went on in there! (I took advice from Molly and did not use straight Lugol's!) I have had a lot of right-eye pressure lately as we here in VA have had a low-pressure system for three weeks that produced migraine after migraine for me and my right eye is where I always get the stabbing pain and sharp pressure. So who knows what's happening.
I have been told to stop all
Sugar b/c of the migraines and of course the minute I had resolved to do that, my husband made brownies for a cookout and I have eaten them.
Anyway, it is SO nice to be back here among my io-pals and hope you guys are having an amazing day!