Re: trapper and celcius
I do agree with you Celcius, regarding defense from personal attacks. And I was referring to the thread of the debate; not the forum.
It just appeared to me that the debate was moving too far from the original intent of the thread; and into personal conflict. I don't want anyone to get hurt. It's none of my business how you feel toward each other. It's just that this is such a public place. When I joined CZ, I remember that one of the criteria was a minimum age of 13. That means there are children on board. That's one thing.
The other is that I see that you are involved in the struggle of a people who are persecuted due to religion, culture, and politics. That's admirable of you. I am well aware of religious persecution (Baha'i) and try to champion the movement against such however little I can. But I also realize that such things can become so passionate that we loose perspective of our principals sometimes. It seemed, for a moment, that someone was going to cross into this sensitive zone, within this discourse between you an trapper. Just a feeling of mine; but triggering my defense response. I am not telling you what to do. I'm just pleading that you both take a breath; and realize where you are in this debate. Thanks.