I had the Merina IUD inserted 7 months ago in January, last week I found out that I was pregnant. An ultrasound measured the baby as 6wks.5days, 1 week later, I had another ultrasound (to make sure the baby still had a heartbeat) and it measured 8wks.5days. The doctors here are just as inexperienced in IUD pregnancy's as I am, and they are not sure if maybe the hormones released by the Merina inhibited the growth of the embryo...or what. I'm having another ultrasound next week. I'm starting to worry now of the sideeffects of this IUD, and the effect on the baby! Has anyone else been pregnant, and not miscarried?!? If so, were there any side effects I should be concerned with?
I'm past the inital shock of being pregnant, and now just panicing about all the things that COULD go wrong!
Can anyone offer any information regarding side effects of this?!?