And soy too
As far as I am concerned, they could have stopped with the word "rape" seed - because that is what the Canola inddustry has done to our health. The same with the huge soy industry.
The other day, I searched in FIVE grocers markets for a salad dressing that did not contain either canola or soy, mayonaisse that did not contain either canola or soy (and toothpaste that did not contain flouride), and I came up empty despite looking at literlally hundreds of different ones. Oh, some advertised "made with olive oil", but then when you looked at the ingredients . . . yep, canola or soy were also present.
Of the more common oils, olive oil would be best. But overall, coconut and palm are the best, and hemp is pretty good too, imo.
Just remember - no oil is safe if cooked at too high of a temperature.