Good News! My CureZone website is up and running.
To All My Friends At CureZone:
As some of you already know, my CZ website
and archive is now a reality. The address is:
There's also a link to the site on the CZ
If you visit the site, you'll find the best
of the many messages that I've posted on CZ
since May of 2004. They're filed under arbitrary categories. It seems like a simple
site to navigate, without the clutter that
make so many websites a challenge.
I owe a large measure of thanks to Lapis and
Ami Benton, who did all the work involved in
creating the site. I'd like to have helped
them, but I have absolutely no talent when it comes to technology.
Lapis designed the site, and did a wonderful
job! Ami read through all my posts, scattered
over more than 50 separate forums, picked
the best of them, and sent them to Lapis.
In some cases, Ami had to splice similar posts
together, and do other editing duties. Both
my friends did a prodigious amount of work on
my behalf, as you'll realize when you visit
the site. I am deeply in their debt. Thank
you, Lapis and Ami!
I'd be remiss if I also didn't thank Paulette
(Southern Belle) whose idea it was to create
an Owen-Archive. Paulette planted the seed
about a month ago. Today that seed has sprouted into a strong young plant, that shows
promise of flowering and bearing fruit.
Thanks so much, Paulette!
I also want to thank Dusan, the CZ Webmaster,
Quite simply, without Dusan's vision in creating CureZone, and the enormous amount of
work he does every day to maintain it, our
little online community would not exist.
Thanks also, Dusan, for agreeing to post a
link to my site on the top of your homepage.
Your role is absolutely vital, and I am in
your debt.
Personally, it feels VERY good to know that
all my posts -- both responses and original messages -- are gathered together in one place. It often happens that a new visitor to
CZ asks a question that I've answered at length. But when did I post it, and on what
forum? Thankfully, I've played that game for
the last time. It will be easy to send people
to the new site. And who knows? They may well
find another message which resonates with them.
Last but certainly not least, I want to thank
all my friends on CureZone, whose affection
and interest made this archive possible. We may never stand under the same roof, or the
same patch of sky, but you are SPECIAL, SPECIAL friends, and I love you one and all!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for being
the catalysts that have helped me to teach
what I know to so many people who are hurting.
And thank you for all the things worth knowing
that you, in turn, have taught me. I treasure
our ongoing friendships!
I live very close to a vast ocean that's
known these days as the Atlantic. But back
in the time of Columbus, that body of water
was known as the Western Ocean. I've always
liked the poetry in that name, so that's what
I call it: the Western Ocean.
I'd like to close by sending you Love, Light,
& Blessings from the shore of the
Western Ocean. Don't
EVER forget that you have a good friend in the tropics named Owen. who thinks of you often, and always with a smile.
Be At Peace,