Re: Do Vaccines Disable the Immune System?
I'm slightly confused by the idea of vaccines damaging the immune system being linked with asthma.
My niece suffers severe asthma and my nephew has a number of very serious allergies. However, I was under the impression that these were due to an OVER-reaction of the immune system. How can that be linked to a WEAKENED immune system?
Are you saying that vaccines INCREASE our immune system's response to the diseases they're designed to protect us from AND to susbtances we don't want want an immune response to (like pollen and dust mites). But they WEAKEN our immune response to other diseases (which is why our children are more prone to ear infections, etc.)
Are there any cases of vaccines DECREASING immune response to pollen, dust etc.?
As a parent of two yyoung children I want to be in a positon to make an infromed decison on
vaccinations such as MMR. However, i don't want to disregard these
vaccinations on the basis of flimsy or anecdotal evidence (however distressing the anecdotes). A former colleague suffered severe hering and minor brain damage as a child as a result of NOT being immunised against measles - a maistake I wouldn't like to inflict on my own children!