Re: Check this out, Celcius
Calm down fuzzy breeches, a thousand apologies, maybe I should have reworded it as "my own personal respect (me) for you (you) from me (me)is dwindling", but I thought it was implied. You don't need to get defensive.
Secondly, just because Corinthian has a few of the same views as I do, we're on the same team and automatically have the same opinions?
Come on, what are you, a republican candidate for president?
Thirdly, you did insert emoticons and used LMFAO, while calling someone else immature repeatedly, I was just raising the possibility of hypocrisy in that. I never said that Corinthian was an upstanding citizen and infallible. I think he/she is a tool personally and tends to completely negate good arguments with theater. However, he researches well and has a good knowledge base of science. No offense Corinthian, but you are a tool sometimes.