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Re: Commercial or non-commercial, that is the question!
ebookworm777 Views: 1,835
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 89,761

Re: Commercial or non-commercial, that is the question!

When Curezone allows profiteers of products and services blatantly spread lies and disinformation on their forums, Curezone is literally sponsoring the corporate agenda in some cases, and in others the literally ignore-ance of other alternatives and important issues -

For example Barefoot makes profits? I bet $100 that he will talk about his American based herbs for stomach health, and not ever mention Cat's Claw - which just might be far more effective in promoting stomach health - for example.

Why? Because Barefoot's eyes are on the pocketbook and herbal supply list, and it's hard to keep an eye on anything else - anything else that just might be far more healthy.

It seems that Curezone moved it's base operations some years back... is this the case, or another false rumor? Was a corporate strategy a part of that change a few years back?


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