This has already been addressed
You said:
Is it CureZone's policy to allow forums for promoting commercial sites or products?
Is it CureZone's policy to allow forums promoting business?
This has already been addressed.
Obviously, in the case of Private ASK FORUMS
it is allowed.
The ONLY forums I have seen it allowed on,
are these kind, and relate to health care giving topics.
The Rules are clear as pertains to personal postings,
and most especially to BLOGS (not forums)
that are supposed to be solely for personal sharing.
I find it hard to believe that you,
as a moderator, do not seem to see the difference.
Perhaps a review of
Blog Rules might clarify this?
Mr. Goldman agreed to these rules when he made his blog.
He is clearly in breach of them in an incredible form
of pretty much most of the outlined guidelines.
Do not make a blog promoting commercial sites or products!
Do not make a blog promoting products sold through MLM!
Do not make a blog promoting anything illegeal!
Do not make a blog promoting business! (note this rule!)_________
Your Blog will be deleted the same day!
Don't waste your time!
If a message is a promotion or advertisement,
even masked advertisement, do not post it,
unless you are going to post inside
the Market Forum (forum specially designed
for sale and promotion of health related business)
Do not create a Blog about a health related commercial product,
if you are selling it, or you are profiting from sale.
Do not link to a commercial web sites from your blog,
if you are directly profiting from products sold on that web site!
Ami Joi Benton