I don't know about seeing results, but I've ozonated water with a medical-grade ozonator every day for 1 1/2 years. I'd keep doing it. I also do Essiac tea from herbalhealer (http://www.herbalhealer.com/essiac.html) every day, and a coffee enema using coffee grown just for that from http://www.sawilsons.com/
most every day. (I'm working on healing Stage III thryoid cancer, and I also had two surgeries and two doses of radioactive iodine.)
I think it's important to control the anxiety, fear and stress. For that I do yoga, Reiki and Quantum Touch (http://www.quantumtouch.com/). And I'm working on eating only raw foods. I'd read about it for a long time as a way to heal cancer, and was very impressed after seeing David Wolfe (http://www.davidwolfe.com) at the first Quantum Touch conference a couple of weeks ago.