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Southern Belle Views: 1,652
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 89,584


I mean no disrespect to you by any means, but giving these people chance after chance to do the right thing is not going to work. In the US, we began using the "three strikes you're out" rule in dealing with some crimes, but that hasn't worked, either. I am not a violent person by any means, but I believe right is right and wrong is wrong. This is a health website and to be treated as such. We help people, not try to rehabilitate stalkers into productive citizens.

I am of the opinion that, in most cases, "Leopards don't change their spots" and these trouble making idiot posters who are given another chance will clean up their act for a while, but are back to their old ways very soon. I just don't understand their agenda. I, for one, will go on record to say that I will be blocking any and all of these "give them another chance idiots" who are not trying to help people on this website.

I think even Grog's wife posted somewhere on this website what kind of person he really is, so if she says he is bad, then we are to just turn the other cheek and allow him to post his poison to readers on curezone?

I have been stalked on more than one occasion by moderating on curezone. I had someone gain access to my e-mail address through the use of a keylogger. I have had people gain access to my e-mail address and send all kinds of p 0 r n/junk mail. What was done to me was against the law and I contacted the police in the area where the idiot lived and let them handle the problem. So beware....Those of you who like to play on the computer and stalk us....THERE ARE LAWS AGAINST THIS AND SOME US WILL PROSECUTE. I don't play and try to be understanding when it comes to stuff like that. It's just wrong......plain and simple.

I realize there is not a permanent solution, but I, for one, just want to state my opinion and that is, I do not think they should be given 100 chances to straighten up and fly right. Personally, I think these type of people are lonely individuals who have no friends or social life. Once they have proven their hidden, angry agenda, don't allow them to come back.



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