Chlorella 3 tabs - Good results!
In my post
Chlorella problems? Think Metal. Get Iodine!:
I tell how an early experiment with the generic chelator chlorella was a dismal failure.
Leading me to believe I was lead poisoned, at least in the gut.
Well I finally took 3 tabs yesterday afternoon and forgot about it till I was getting ready for bed.
No spewing, no nausea, nothing!
I did not however, unlike the single tab test, terminate the use of Lugol’s during this test.
(I take 10 drops twice a day)
What I didn’t tell you last time was the BM characteristics during the 2 months of constipation.
(Where else can you talk about your sheet?)
One, it was “clean”, a single sheet of TP would have done the job.
(Say, you can have clean sheets, but can you have a clean sheet?)
Two, it was a torpedo, a heavy torpedo.
It sank and always almost, but not quite, ejected itself out the commode.
Meaning I could tell it was fairly long but never saw more than the “tip” of the dang thing.
The motto hereabouts “Better out than in” works for me!
To Your Great health,