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Re: Puffy Eyes, Dark Circles, Energy loss, and Underweight!!!
MH 108 Views: 2,397
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 895,085

Re: Puffy Eyes, Dark Circles, Energy loss, and Underweight!!!

The underlying cause is IRON IMBALANCE.

The diet is out of balance which usually leads to too much accumulated salt, not enough potassium and the iron/magnesium etc. balance is all screwed up. It is as simple as this, correct the Potassium and normall all of the other will fall in proper place.

How easy is it to correct potassium? Also known as the cancer cure! Its s simple as obeying Nature's diet for the human race; 99% of the people will never do it, they are hooked on salty / toxic commercial foods. Herbs are of a great aid, but can not totally correct the problems if the diet is continued. The kidneys have a problem as does the entire elimination system, which always leads to excessive parasites, etc...



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