True Religion & War
If I had never had a NDE, I might have gone on hating on Communists, Muslims, Liberals, Catholics, and anyone not like me but today I feel more connected to Atheists who are opposed to war than than I do with Christians & Jews who believe bombing Iran is going to save the world for God & Country. If Jesus is God and I am not convinced of that from my NDE, "What house would Jesus Bomb?" The answer to me is no house.... The God I met in heaven is not into sacrifice. It makes sense once you ask the question.
I met a God in my NDE who is bigger than religion. I met God in heaven who is love. Love supersedes religion. The God I met in heaven never killed anyone. The God I met in heaven never asked for a blood sacrifice. The Creator of this world may have created those rules about sacrificing and blood atonement but not the one I met in heaven.
Following the rules did not get anything about me into heaven. There were no points in heaven for not kissing on the first date. I might not speed because I will get a ticket but my not speeding did not make it into heaven. There weren't any pearls there for not lying. I didn't have a litany of times I followed broke the Ten Commandments. The God i met in heaven didn't care about me following the rules. What God wanted from me that makes it to the other side is love. If Christians, Muslims, Atheists or anyone loves or is loved in any capacity, that love will make it to the other side. This is the mystery that religion doesn't address. People want an all or nothing kind of deal when it comes to an afterlife but as for me, I don't want to carry my garbage into heaven.
The dimension called time is where the Creator of religion resides. He wants blood sacrifice. He gets it every day. They are piling up bodies with both sides saying God is on their side. From my experience, I can say without a doubt that the God I met in heaven is not on any side of any bloody war. If there is someone loving on someone instead of killing them in a war then God is on their side... at least when that person is loving. A blood thirsty super being, who the bulk of humanity calls God, who Jesus called a murderer from the beginning, is the God of religion. Anti-religion can be its own form of religion and just as anti-love as religion. That kind of anti-religion absent of love still has the same father in my estimation. I am for religion when it leads to loving kindness... I am for anti-religion when it leads to loving kindness. Whatever leads one to forgive when one could have held a grudge is good stuff to me. Any rule telling me to kill anyone or sacrifice anyone or anything by killing it is not going to make it into heaven. Do you think when we get to heaven again that they are going to replay Jesus dying on the cross over and over and over like they do in many Christian churches every Sunday? It ain't like that in heaven and if we are going to bring the kingdom of the God who is love to earth, it will not happen here but that tree hanging is the primary message of most churches I have attended.
God who I met in heaven heaven will never throw away love... Sacrifice or no sacrifice...believer or non believer... Buddhist.....or Hindu... Jew or Christian.. or whatever religion or absence of religion one believes in. God throwing away love would be like a sane person cutting off a perfectly good arm or leg. It is not going to happen. If religion leads religious followers to practice love for their fellow man then this is true religion but my perceptions from being a student of history and living in this post industrial age is that religion most often creates an us versus them mentality. Most religion profess they are "The One" true religion and all others are damned. There are those who claim no religion at all and if they believe in loving one another then they are closer to practicing true religion than any religion that practice otherwise. Instead of saving souls, I believe religious practitioners should spend their energy practicing compassion and love for neighbors who are oppressed. At least they will get that portion of their lives into heaven.