HUMAWORM is very potent - it is also very broad spectrum. It contains anti-fungals that will remove candida along with the natural anti-biotics that are removing bacteria.
The garlic and pau d' arco in HUMAWORM removes helcobacter pylori which will relieve peptic ulcers.
Children need to take HUMAWORM For Children - it can be found at
- a child has to be at least 2 and weigh at leat 30 pounds before they can take it.
HUMAWORM can be taken anywhere between 8-12 hours apart. The 12 hour schedule is ideal - but it will work fine if taken closer together. The body will process the chemicals in the HUMAWORM ingredients - they will do what they need to do but need to be replenished so that the body is continually removing parasites and toxins 24/7.