Re: Webmaster - ANSWER
you can not force information on people.
You can post a message inside the
Conspiracy forum, and let people choose if they want to read it or not.
If you absolutely think that people reading Islam forum or
Christianity Forum need to read the message that you posted inside the
Conspiracy forum, then you could maybe do it this way:
You post a message inside the
Conspiracy forum, message that you think is relevant to Islam, and then you save a link to that message (URL).
A link to a message looks like this:
Then you go to the Islam debate forum and you post a message there. In that message you include URL pointing to your original message posted inside Conspiracy forum, and together with that URL, you also add a special, important warning:
Here is a message that I posted into the Conspiracy forum. The message is about Prophet Mohammad. It is a theory about Mohammad based on non-Islamic sources. The message is Islam unfriendly (inflammatory)!!! Muslims reading the message may get very angry!!!
If you choose to click on the link, and read the message, it is your own responsibility. I warned you! Stay away if you can not control yourself.
If you add a similar warning to your URL, without telling anything about syphilis or whatever else the message is about, there will be far more people clicking on your message, and, the same people will respect you far more.
You warned them, so, they can't complain to me. It was their choice to read the message.
And, I as moderator will not delete your message, cause you included special warning, warning that protects you from any liability.
How does this sound? Too complicated?
Yes, it is a bit complicated (you need to save URL, and you need to store Warning on your computer ) and it will consume more time, but if you absolutely want people to read your messages, this is the only legal way to do it.
Instead of including just a single URL per message, you can wait until you accumulate 5 or 10 URLS, and then you can post them all into a single message.
That way, you will not be flooding the forum with your messages. Nobody likes when a single person, unfriendly to a particular religion, is flooding the forum with too many messages. That practice usually results in forum being abandoned and I don't think that is the way to spread your message to many people.
If all you achieve is an empty, deserted forum, then you failed.
You have find some balance.
If your messages are always negative about Islam, it will result in people (Muslims and Christian) being able to predict what kind of message they will find when they see name "Vtool", and they will quickly learn to ignore you.
Do you want to be ignored?
Balance is the Key!
If you constantly keep showing to people that you are an extremist, majority will ignore your messages. If you constantly keep showing to people that you believe in every single conspiracy theory available on the web, majority will ignore your messages, they will think that you have some serious mental problems.
How do I know what people think?
I get many emails from people complaining about people like 2tuff, Vtool, Thorn .... after a while, I know what people think.
I have nothing personally against you or 2tuff or Thorn. But I "wear a police uniform", and my job while I "wear this uniform" is to enforce rules and laws, and if I have to, I use force to make people comply with present "laws" and guidelines of CureZone.
Every forum has simple guidelines embedded in forum Description. Link to forum Description can be found on every page of every forum. Look at the header of every forum page, just under forum name.