Sorry about your posts, I understand it must be frustrating for you if you put in that many hours. However what the
Webmaster said to you was right out of the posting guidelines which are accessed when you click on the underlined Forum Description at the top of the page. These guidelines have been the same for a very long time, they are not new and have not changed. I'm reposting it for you below.
In any case, qualified, licensed, ordained or not, it was ~no moderator~ who acted upon your messages, but the ~webmaster himself~. What can I say? It's his ship and there are no laws anywhere that can prevent him from fashioning his own website any way he likes, according to his own wisdom.
Forum Description
This debate forum is designated for debate based on bringing valid arguments against certain views and valid arguments pro certain views and opinions based on Bible, Christianity, Christian beliefs, Science, Evolution ...
Please keep debates related to politics and
Conspiracy theories outside this forum, even if it relates also to Christianity.
We have separate forums where anything concerning politics and anything concerning
Conspiracy theories can be discussed. No need to flood this forum with such articles and such discussions.
Debate = Expressing arguments against certain views and arguments pro certain views and opinions
Debate = To engage in argument by discussing opposing points.
Debate = Argue with one another
Please keep debates centered around topics relevant to christianity, and civilized.
No personal attacks will be tolerated.
Topics include
the Bible, the many possible interpretations leading to different teachings by differing denominations.
Catholic-Protestant discrepancies, Mormons, cessationism vs. the on-going work of Christ, creationism, pentecostalism, pre-selection vs. free-will salvation, rapture theories, end times, pre, mid, post tribulation theories, Sabbath observance, and any other subject matters over which the whole body of Christ has differing views and interpretations.
If you are interested in debating Other Religions, then you should access
Religion Debate Forum.
There are also many other forums where you can discuss issues related to fate\religion\beliefs\God: