I've always been a fan and believer in Dr Schulze and think his products are second to none. Last night I was viewing some of his videos in the Health Crusade series and was completely blown away by the passion of this man. He is a great public speaker and quite funny to boot. You know there is no BS coming from his mouth. His fearlessness and courage are also to be admired for how he has stood up to all the crap thrown at him from the gov't and medical establishment. I've been dealing with health issues the last few years and watching these videos has given me a good kick in the ass. I am now more confident than ever I am on the track to health and will pursue it with renewed vigor. As Dr Schulze says in the video we need a kick in the ass....coddling gets us nowhere. In my opinion this man is a true hero in a world sorely lacking in heroes today. Dr Schulze I salute you!!!