You have GOT to be kidding me! Re: I don't know what's scarier...
>>thats what people do when they get scared of a scary strong possiblilty!!!<<
Seriously, you've got to be joking, right? Your post was thoroughly and systematically, point by point PROVEN (beyond ANY shadow of ANY doubt) to be a conglomeration of untruths, wrong assumptions and error.
The only possibly way to "save face" and EVER find yourself in a position of respect would be to simply admit that you posted erroneous information before you'd taken time to research it fully.
But you accuse the person that showed you the truth, and the error of your publicly made statements and assumptions to be SCARED?
Your actions & statements reflect a lack of eductation, ignorance of the subject matter, and a total unwillingness to increase your knowledge and learn.
As the ole geezer on 'Cheers' used to say...."purdy weenie".