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Re: Day 21, a little discouraged by my doctor...a little hungry.
Zoebess Views: 1,734
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Re: Day 21, a little discouraged by my doctor...a little hungry.

If you are cutting pack on maple syrup
and lemonade, now is the time to up
those, or take a spoon of molasses to
add a little nutrition. I average 1-2
tablespoons a day and the additional
minerals have made a big difference.
Tree of Life unsulphured Blackstrap
molasses runs me about $3.79 a quart
so it is also cost effective.

The emotional challenges are a big
consideration and one thing about the
Master Cleanse is that it DOES give
you the *time* to spend time refining
your relationships with food and the
situations you *use* it. Refocusing
can start with a simple affirmation,
"I eat to live, not live to eat".

Making a list of coping behaviors you
can visualize yourself doing instead
of eating is something that later,
when the situations come up, you can
run down the short mental list you have
distilled in your mind to say, the top
five, and at a party, for example, ONE
trip to the dip buffet is plenty or
if there is a potluck with many options,
taking a tablespoon of each dish instead of
a bigger helping. The real work though
IS to look at the way you are doing it
now and work to change that way into
something which will say YES to you in
a healthier way.

Very often, people eat food when actually
they are just thirsty. Drinking a glass
of water before meals helps gauge if this
is thirst or hunger.

The Master Cleanse can effectively reset
your appestat too. Many sensations of
hunger are tied to emotional feelings and
so getting some distance helps identify
those feelings and your challenge is to
face them and deal with them. Kind of like
cleaning out your junk drawer, not the most
fun, but rewarding AND helpful in reaching
the goal of wellness.

The choices you make today can affect the
choices you make down the road. Nurture
within yourself a sense of self-love which
will get you past the row of fast food
outlets in the mall without a moment's
distraction...ggg. One way I do this is
to tell myself, if I feel the need to eat
when out, I am going to look for someplace
like a juice bar or a restaurant which
offers choices I can say yes to and still
feel great.

Allopathic doctors, they have their place
and lord knows, they have helped me. In
the bigger picture though, I am not ready
to abdicate my health choices to them
anymore and so I DO take responsibility
to search out options and to exercise them.
My internal specialist thought chiropractors
were quacks. She could probably operate on
me successfully if I needed something drastic
but after my car wreck, it was my chiropractor
who got my money and saved me from a life of
pain. I did not even fill the pain meds the
allopathic doctors gave me, instead, quietly
choosing to go get acupuncture. Fortunately,
we do have choice and if you are not using
yours to help yourself, now is the time to

I wish you courage and strength for your
journey to wellness~~

be happy, be well,



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