Re: Itchy red penis shaft, no sores...Jock itch or STD?
I have good experience with warts that disappear if you wrap banana-peel around, use organic ones! Leave it overnight with a plaser and repeat if needed, a few weeks later, your warts could be gone.
Try other methods before you choose to use chemical wart removers!
Keloid-gel, is said to remove scars, you can also use lavendel eteric oil.
You can also use compresses with
Green Clay or aloe, mixed with eteric oils, or look up at Dr. Richard Sculze to get help with some real good poultices.
Otherwise check the web-site :-) He invented some magnetic devices (Immortality device) he promise you that you will stay young forever if you use those.
Together with american ginseng (which alone has no value at all), he say that all scars on your body disappear within 2 years.
With the devises alone, it would take 10-20 years. I have tried the devises, and I really feel very comfortable with them, I still did not buy the ginseng. But it`s worth to give a try.
FitLine`s serie of supplements is another great idea to try. Activicer, Basics Bio Plus + intake of Restorate, a mineral/trace element. Theese are powders easily dissolved in water, it has a nice taste, easy to use, and makes you drink more water!
Theese supplements will support you very well if your diet is poor and give you 5 times better absorbtion. Warts disappear within 3-6 months, as well as you improve your digestion and energy-level very much, wether you are an athletic person or need medical healing. Go to FitLine forum and read more. Or use the link below.
A liver-cleanse would for shure do very good! It`s easy and you will easily get rid of old cholesterol/mineral-stones -
Gallstones stored up in your liver - just go for it if you still did not try it!
Go to liver-cleanse forums and read much more about how you can easily improve your health!
Another recommendation is of course to change your diet, people who suffer some kind of STD would have less symptomes and heal faster if they would combine treatment with exercise and a good diet!
Read more in my "Good dietary habits", in "Ask Lillian forum 1".
Best regards from Lillian