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Re: ShellyCat!!!
  Views: 1,371
Published: 18 y
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Re: ShellyCat!!!

Hi Tasha,
If you are considering urine therapy then you should consider taking a urine homeopathic instead. A urine homeopathic is one drop of your urine diluted way down and then mixed with alcohol to preserve it. Some people consider this to be more effective then drinking straight urine, plus it is a lot more pleasant. I see an applied kinesiologist and I brought in a vial of urine homeopathic and a vial of straight urine and had him test it's effect on me. The straight urine did nothing but the homeopathic solved my problems by 25%, and I am suffering a decent amount of problems. You can buy the homeopathic bottles with the dropper tops online. I bought a pack of 5 relatively cheap. Put one drop of your urine in 100 drops of water, shake well 100 times or so - then take one drop of this and put it in 100 drops of water, shake again etc. I do this 4 times and then mix the solution with alcohol in a 1:1 solution (50%alcohol,50% diluted urine). You can buy a small shot of vodka or gin. A urine homeopathic contains trace amounts of your bodies immune responses to substance it doesn't like. By subjecting your body to these trace amounts you can re-train it so it becomes somewhat de-sensitized. Put 5 or 6 drops under your tongue every morning for a minute or so. Don't eat or drink for 15 minutes before or after, and avoid mint products or caffeine for a few hours before and after.


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