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Things to do to distilled water
SqueakyClean Views: 2,184
Published: 18 y
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Things to do to distilled water

It's up to you to decide what (if anything) you want to do to your distilled water.
Here are some ideas:

You could supplement it a little to create Zeta water:


You can add a product especially prepared for distilled water.
Willard Water, for example:

Or WaterMax:

Or Crystal Energy:

You can simply add a pinch of real salt.

You can get some Himalayan salt crystals and make sole.

You can set it out in the sun for a day or more.

You can add some grains of organic brown rice.

You could add a little bit of bicarbonate of soda to alkalize it.

You could use an ozone machine to create ozonated water.

You can put it in a vortex machine to structure it.

You can energize it using wires and a battery.

You can speak to it and/or write a word on a paper and tape it to the jar.

You can mix it with juice or make herbal teas, instead of drinking it straight.

You can experiment and develop your own optimal method!
(Then you can share it with all of us!)

You might want to check this page out:



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