333 is a number I notice much of the time. I see 111, 222, 333, 444 ,555 but 333 is the predominant nubmer that I experience most often. Mostly I glance at it on my clock both day and night. I see pictures with it inclided in some capacity, etc. It has become a symbol of my spiritual awakening. Andreas Moritz explains this phenomenon by saying it is a short glimpse into the spirit world. Some people are experiencing events like these as we get closer to the shift into christ consiousness. This occurs many times throughout the day for me and has continued to do so for the past few years on my astounding healing journey. I experience many other strange phenomenon as well. I have read and reread many numerology texts, sacred geometry texts, bible and other sacred codes, etc, but it seems the explanation is beyond words. When it occurs it feels like a kind of synchronious guide post demonstrating that we are approaching a new consiousness. At first it was mind blowing when it repeatedly occured, now it has just become an intregal part of my day to day experience.