a few weeks ago someone wrote about bacteria or candida " I urge you folks to do a google search for Probiotic therapy Reseach Center-then click on Doctors at the top of the page-then click on Concept of Human Bowel Flora as a Therapeutic Agent-Then click on Concept of Human Bowel FLora as a healthy or Sick Organ and read this."i have read that dr broady thinks that the probitics don't always work for people due to the manufacturing destoying the abilty of the backeria to adhere to the intestine wall. so they use donor poo thats not infected to put into someone. also read on this site baby poo is the best. i think i am going to stop the hydreogen peroxide unless someone thinks its really good it always cures such an incese in my symptoms and i get scared its not die off but just increseing the candida. there seems to be so many mixed reports about it on the site.