Experience With Dr. Christopher..
I wanted to share my experience with him when he came thru Ann Arbor, Michigan back around 1975.
Ann Arbor was/is a rather liberal college town...relatively small with 3 health food stores to its credit even 32 years ago.
He was seeing people one-by-one in a small room in the back of one of the health food stores. When it was my turn, he had me sit down on a chair in front of him and proceeded to scoot his chair closer to mine in order to check out my eyes (iridology). He didn't say much...simply right to business. After about 4-5 minutes, he wrote down what herbals I needed to start taking - his calcium formula was one of them for he stated that I had a 'tilted uterus' from just giving birth to my first baby...sorry, I don't remember anything else that was recommended. Oh, and he emphasized that taking 1tsp. of cayenne pepper 3x per day would facilitate better circulation. I watched him put a HEAPING TBS. of cayenne in a glass of water & chug it! I was shocked!
I owe him such gratitude...cayenne changed my life. I'd ALWAYS been constipated, and cayenne has worked miracles for succeeding decades.