To my fellow Curezonians...
As you have noticed, my forum is disabled. I would like to return to curezone after I have surgery and feel better. These last few months have been a horrible rollercoaster of hormones and illness. For those of you who don't know what happened to me, it is called Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome. It was such an ordeal for me, that I put it on my website. I hear from many women every week going through horrible symptoms such as I have. Well, I had surgery for it and it only worked 3 months. So, I am having to have exploratory surgery on June 12th, at Sharp Chula Vista hospital. A couple months ago, I was unable to function at all, and had to begin large doses of hormones. They are helping a lot, although my dr wants me to up the dosage, and he still needs to go in and see what happened and what can be done surgically.
Briefly, what happened was, after one month of having a tubal ligation, my body went into post menopause. Periods stopped altogether and the doctor told me that my hormone levels were that of a woman in her 60s. I was 39. I got ill. I had surgery, got much better, then worse again. My hormone levels remain post menopausal. I have never been through normal menopause. The FSH was 96.8 and now it is 112. The doctor said it should be under 12 for someone my age (when I was 39; I am 42 now). I had normal periods my whole life until the tubal ligation. Since then, I have had 5 periods (it was done almost 3 yrs ago and 2 of them were after the reversal surgery). You know what is tough? I have to go to the dr a lot, and every single time i go, i get asked many times by all the personnel if i am pregnant and when my last cycle was. It is very hard to take, especially since I don't have any kids and I did want some. I was told the tubal was reversable and easy to do and that I could still have kids later.
Through my research, I have found that tubal ligations cause hormone shock and subsequent menopause in about 25% of the cases, regardless of age (i have heard this from women as young as 24). I hear that some women have no problems, maybe 10% or so, but most do, and the majority, roughly 65%, have horrible symptoms like periods so heavy they cannot leave the house and horrible mood swings that lead to divorce for some (one woman told me she became a monster). Why don't we hear more about this? Hey, I found the reversal clinics to be booked for 2 to 6 months across the country and reversal often gets rid of symptoms. Most do it to have a baby and suddenly notice their weird or horrid symptoms are gone or subdued greatly. That is one theory that I believe keeps it out of the press.
Anyway, I want to apologize to all who I was not kind to during this ordeal. I also was not able to keep up on email and have over 1000 and most of them are many months old. So, if any of you emailed me about Biologic Dentistry or PTLS, and didn't get a response, I apologize for that, as well. Before all this, I was a human dynamo from getting the mercury and nickel and root canals out of my mouth. I am hoping any posters or moderators affected by my behavior can find it in their hearts to forgive me. I would not wish this health issue on anyone. Some of you have written me emails in support and I greatly appreciate your kindness. I am hoping this surgery or the next one, will solve some of my health issues.
Yours In Health, Aharleygyrl
(Ask Torrie Crocker: Amalgam Replacement, Root Canals, Cavitations, Dental Crowns)