Dill Essential Oil
Dill – Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil
Medical Properties: Anti-diabetic, antispasmodic, antibacterial, expectorant, pancreatic stimulant, insulin/blood
Sugar regulator.
USES: Diabetes, digestive problems, liver deficiencies
Fragrant Influence: Calms the autonomic nervous system and when diffused with Roman chamomile, combats ADHD.
Application: Dilute 1 part essential oil with 1 part vegetable oil;
(1) apply 2-4 drops on location or abdomen,
(2) chakras/vitaflex points,
(3) directly inhale,
(4) diffuse, or
(5) take as a dietary supplement
Essential Oil Safety Data Legend:
DS (dietary supplement)
GRAS (generally regarded as safe)
FA (food additive)
E (use with caution if susceptible to epilepsy, small amounts or in dilution)