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Moreless, another question that was fielded while you were gone...about the alkalizing drink
crzyakta Views: 1,216
Published: 18 y

Moreless, another question that was fielded while you were gone...about the alkalizing drink

This was my question I posted, it got a lot of replies...but would like yoru take on it...I am just pasting it here:

"I had bouts with hairloss before, got it under complete control, and regrew alot of hair...did a experiment with it, which required a shaved head for six months

anyway, fast forward, I let my hair grow back, its nice, and uniform...not as thick as in my teens, but good none the less

now that I am doing detoxing and eating healthy (which I have been doing for a while), but also alkalizing through diet and the BSM drink, with about 2 tablespoons of coooold water Norwegian organic kelp...I have been losing hairs more then I expected

perhaps this amount is the same as before (not as bad as during severe hairloss), but it feels like a good amount more...I know I was/am toxic...could this be toxins moving around my body? it has only been about 3 weeks on the drink (with some inconsistency in the beginning)...what is your take on this guys?

I know Andreas Moritz says that hairloss is due to toxins getting stuck and suffocating the scalp etc (wonder how male androgenic hormones fits in this picture?) you think this might be the case...if so, would a liver flush be called for? (I have dont 8 already in the past 2-3 years, along with one humaworm parasite cleanse 3 months ago)

changes I have made include more CH in drink and more ACV (Bragg organic raw)



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