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Thanks, G.
cora Views: 3,341
Published: 17 y
This is a reply to # 881,009

Thanks, G.

It was really good to gain perspective into your experience and endeavors to lose the dudes.

For two days now I am experiencing something totally new -somewhat described by your post above, this optical thing. Very difficult for me to put it in detail, notice it most when looking at my monitor - less when I'm moving about. It's sort of a dizziness sensation, but not the vertigo I had grown almost accustomed to (now pretty much gone, not sure if I'm controlling that better or if it is actually better/improved). It's optical only. Lots and lots of "seeing stars" also. (Usually a blood pressure thing and would always happen when I would stand up - but this is happening while I'm sitting for any period of time.) At this point I associate it with the Lugols - but in a good way even if that sounds nuts. If it's any kind of Herx, it's MUCH more desirable than other die off reactions I know too well. It almost feels like I'm slipping into a dream, but fully awake and alert to the present. No hallucinations or voices - I remember when you posted that before (taking you out). Wild. I can't help but think it means something, as if your body before the invasion is speaking to you trying to bring you back now that the road is more clear.

I'm hoping it's all good news on my end too. I enjoyed your original post but didn't speak up. Delighted to learn about how far you have come. Explains much. Thank you.

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