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Morgellons and the movie ( BUG )
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Published: 17 y
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Morgellons and the movie ( BUG )

There is a movie soon to be released entitled BUG. I know people speak and think conspiracies all the time but I have to wonder if this one is not right out of Pandoras Universe or Alices rabbit hole as a Conspiracy against sufferers of Morgellons. Nothing is by coincidence.

Someone who knows anyone affiliated with the should advise them to begin bombarding the news papers and film critics (some of whom btw think the film is funny) with info about the actual existence of a disease similar to what is being portrayed in the movie. Otherwise, these people may not stand a chance of recognition with the public or med profession with anything other than a life long RX of Prozac.

Please pass this along to other alt med/health groups. I post my concern here because I believe this group has some of the most influencial reciepients with regard to websites, medical resources and media contacts.

Regards, Carol Ann ~
and the bush was consumed.........Exodus 3:2
Reign of The Mayberry Machiavellis ends in 2008.

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