To err is human- and ya know the rest of it IS TRUE
So here is something I hav ebeen thinking about, why is it no one feels comfortable admitting error
It's here, and at work and pretty much everywhere
We know we make them what is sahmeful about error?
Nothing much
The sticki=ness becomes when we must cop to it then there is something personal and
(here's the question) shameful?
Worse crimes are committed in the coverup of error than ever the misdeamenor itself.
Watergate, CZgate ;}, and on and on, break of fiduciary trust - it only gets more complicated the more denial that is added to the incident.
And I am wondering ,if in general, people feel if they admit that they have behaved unethically, or even innocently made a mistake (although most admit those) why layer upon layer of doo-doo is piled ontop of "original" doo-doo
Original Sin
Original Compost?
Original Shame ?
Here is the answer I came up with:
Many have braved their way through a similar incident before and they actulaly think they wil not be made to answer , particularly if they intimidate and don't take responsibility for their own actions-in other words point the finger at the other guy.
This smacks of a maturity level around 7-8 years old
So what happens to us at 7-8 years of age that teaches us that it is better to balme someone else or initmidate another member of our family until it all blows over. And if it works then Wall-ah we can continnue to operate atthe 8 year old level- it works.
Unitl one can take responsibility for oneself one wil never be well