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Lipoma/fatty tumor
There seems to be a lot of misunderstaning of the issue at this point on the forum.
Some of you should do a search on the subject.
Sometimes fatty tumors develop due to trauma to the area. For instance: I raised chickens and having only a few, I caged them at night in what was my former rabbit cages. They did not have perches, but rested on the wire. 100% of them developed fatty tumors on the end of the breast bone that rested on the wire.
I developed 2 fatty tumors on my back from a faulty sleeping position - on a water bed - which was hard as a rock. I had them surgicly removed. One of them that I still rested on (now on a much better air mattress) came back. I have been taking
Lugol's Iodine (see
Iodine support forum here). It is a little too soon to be sure, but it seems to be getting smaller. It was about the size of an egg slightly flattened. I also have a small cyst or fatty tumor of unknown cause under the skin at the waist line. This too seems to be getting smaller and softer.
Do the research and give it a try.