Cool post. 4 x VCO back-to-back! Wow! Thats hardcore OPulling young lady.
I will try and remember that next time i get the coughing fits.
The last time i had broncitis was a really tough time for me. That was when my body finally gave up & said "enough is enough son, you are now royally screwed up and no going back, doesn't matter what u do." wooo...I just had a FLASHBACK! LOL, i'd almost forgotten how bad that time was....what a 'mare. I coughed so much i pulled all the muscles in my tummy and back, and i did not get better. My back has hurt everyday since upto today.
Now, how long ago was that?.....I have been learning the Alexandre Technique for about 3 years now and i only started that because all else had failed and i was desperate. so must have been 4.5 - 5 years ago :-(